Earlier this year, we released Benchmark Your Org, a free tool built with real data from over 15K companies that span the most common functions a startup has. We aim to create simple tools that give Felicis founders the context they need to scale and thrive.

The response to the initial tool has been phenomenal, and we are excited to share our newest one: Founder Insights. We’ve launched Founder Insights in partnership with our friend at Findem to give founders deeper reports on how specific companies they admire have grown over time.  

How it works: 

  1. If you’re a Felicis founder, fill out the form below.
  2. Once approved, you’ll get an email with login instructions from Findem and set up your account.
  3. Then, you can research specific companies to understand their headcount, diversity composition, location distribution, skill distribution, and other stats over time.
  4. If you want to view past reports or run new ones, just log in again here

All reports are based on publicly available data collected and delivered in an easy-to-use way.

Here's a video showing what kinds of insights the tool can offer:

We hope access to this tool will provide founders with

  • Insights into how their organizations might grow 
  • Data around how specific functions might grow year over year
  • Lists to inform and build talent pipelines 

If you’re a Felicis founder and want to access this tool for yourself or someone on your team, please fill out the form below, and we’ll set you up.